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中国公学 -《预防武汉肺炎办法通告》Wuhan virus(Coronavirus)


1. 凡在新春期间到中港澳台,泰国及新加坡旅行者,学生需要向各自班主任报备;教职员则须向丘副报备。
2. 凡到以上地区旅行者,或是持续咳嗽,伤风及其他感冒症状者,本周四及周五(30-31. 01.2020 )两天,请不要到校,留家休息及就诊。
3. 班主任每天将于7:00a.m.(晨读前)进班检查,替身体不适者量体温。
4. 有需要者,请自行准备口罩到校。
5. 到校后被发现有流感症状者,将联系家长带回就诊。
6. 每天放学前,班主任监督班级做消毒工作,学生使用消毒药水擦拭桌椅。
7. 若师生及家长感到身体不适,请立即佩戴口罩,保护自己及他人。

To all the parents, teachers and students, please take note of following :

1. Students who have been to China, Hong kong, Australia, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore during Chinese new year, must inform respective class teachers ( Teachers - report to GPK2 Mdm Chow)
2. Those are coughing or with flu symptons,  seek medical treatment and rest at home on Thursday and Friday(30th and 31st Jan 2020)
3. At 7am every morning, Class teachers are to check the temperature of any students who are unwell
4. If needed, bring/wear a mask(self prepared)
5. Students with flu like symptons, will be brought home by parents, to seek medical treatment
6.  Before school dismissal, class teachers will supervise students to disinfect the classrooms every day
7. Those who are feeling unwell, do wear a mask.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

洪淑滋校长     启